Last week in class, as we viewed David Attenborough's marvelous introduction to Charles Darwin and his theory of evolution, I found myself thinking about his simple - yet profound - idea of natural selection. Natural selection states that "more offspring are born to a mother than can survive. Those that do survive are somehow stronger; better suited and "fit" to their environment. As the stronger survivors have offspring of their own, species will evolve, or adapt to their environment - ensuring a better "fit", and improving their chances for long term survival. Species evolve together, weaving balanced predator/prey relationships, and establishing balanced ecosystems that evolve as well, in order to maintain the balance of life within them.
The modern world has offered mankind many opportunities to alter the process of natural selection within ecosystems. Human have "unnaturally" selected to import, or remove any number of animals or plants within specific habitats. We have allowed invasive species to move into new, exotic environments. And we have cleared land for cultivation of our crops, and construction of our homes. This not only alters the long term process of natural selection, but more immediately, the natural ecological balance that exists within ecosystems and their food webs.
Philosophers and psychologists have long spoken of the "ghosts in the machine" - the ancient, ancestral remnants of brain/mind that continue to play a role in our mind/body relationship. We may no longer think like our "inner reptile" (well, most of us...) but these ancient parts of our brain give rise to some of our deepest, immediate responses to stumulii from our environment. (Goosebumps anyone?) We may respond with immediate fear when we see movement in a darkened room, but our modern brain knows to relax the body when it realizes that the movement was only our shadow on a wall.
Biologists have also spoken of a "ghost in the machine". In the biological sense, the ghosts exist following the unsuccessful introduction of a new species into an existing ecosystem. While the unsuccessful organism may disappear (go extinct) it's disapearance may leave an unseen impact - a ghost - on the ecological balance within that community. The extinction may allow opportunistic predators to move in. Predation may increase on particularly vulnerable smaller prey. In turn their numbers may go down. The ghost may have a domino effect throughout the ecosystem.
Biologists have tried to re-introduce species that disappear, in valiant attempts to restore, what had previously been, a natural ecological balance. Alas - this is known as the "Humpty Dumpty" effect, for like the eponymous egg (good SAT word! Look it up!) from the Mother Goose rhyme, all the king's men cannot put the ecosystem back together again. It is difficult, if not well neigh impossible, to restore ecological balance once it's gone.
Ecosystem experiments have proven extremely difficult to do. There are just so many variables. Noted evolutionary biologist Olivia Judson has written the following:
"For instance, suppose you’re interested in the question of whether individuals of different species can live together. (This is an important question, for it bears on how ecosystems form.) To keep things simple, you decide to investigate a mere six species. You want to be thorough, so you’re going to consider all combinations, from each species living alone, to all six together.
But that’s already 63 combinations. Worse, in order to be more confident about the results, you can’t just do each one once, you need to replicate them. So you set up each combination six times. That’s 378 microcosms. Worse still, ecosystems — even small and simple ones — don’t stabilize in an afternoon. You have to wait for several months before you can be sure the system has settled into a “final” form."
Judson goes on to note that the experiment has actually been done, with a success rate of about 12% with the simplest of combinations: two different species.
Natural selection takes time. Decades. Centuries. Millenia. Yet ecosystems can be irreparably damaged in a moments time. It is hard for me to think of the oil spills in the Gulf of Mexico, melting glaciers in the Arctic and Antarctic, deforestation in Africa, and population explosions in Asia, and development right here in the Upper Valley, wihtout thinking of their ecological impacts.
Ghosts and Humpty Dumpty. Sounds so childish, so innocent. Yet their very light names refer to very "heavy" ideas that govern the fragility of the world around us. I'll let Judson have the last word:
"How do ecosystems form? How much impact do invaders have? What are our chances of restoring damage done by fishing or farming? We are pushing our ecosystems to the brink. If we don’t understand how they work, we can’t hope to limit the damage. And we need to try: after all, this is our home."