Darwin offers us good advice for the coming week:
"My mind seems to have become a kind of machine for grinding general laws out of large collections of facts, but why this should have caused the atrophy of that part of the brain alone, on which the higher tastes depend, I cannot conceive. A man with a mind more highly organized or better constituted than mine, would not I suppose have thus suffered; & if I had to live my life again I would have made a rule to read some poetry & to listen to some music at least once every week; for perhaps the parts of my brain now atrophied could thus have been kept active through use."
While I would like to remind you all to read pages 116-147 in Your Inner Fish, I would also urge you to make some time to read some poetry and listen to some music. More often than once next week!
Or, perhaps, ski....snowshow.....hike.............and update any missing blog posts!
Have a great week! - Mr. E
Well, if listening to music does good things for my brain, then I'm set! My iTunes runs constantly while I'm on the computer (song of the moment: "Worth Fighting For" by Nine Days) and when I'm not responding to the fascinating biology blog, I'm singing. Anything. At the top of my lungs. Jennie understands.
As for my vacation week, I'll be taking care of a neighbor's house, complete with two donkeys, three dogs, two cats, and what seems like four thousand chickens. I'm not sure if there'll be any time left over for me to read poetry or go for a walk, but I will try.
See you next week : )
It's true I understand, though I must say that I am singing only songs from 'Grease' this week. As stage manager, it's difficult to escape. And I'm sorry Mr.Engler, but I haven't exactly had a chance to walk or read anything except my script (I will read Inner Fish, I promise). Nine-hour rehearsals don't leave much space in my brain for anything else. I hope everybody else is having a more relaxing vacation than I am!!! I'll see you all on Monday.
-Jennie M.
Music is pretty great. I carry my ipod on my person basically everywhere I go. I almost always have a song stuck in my head and when I don't my head feels very very empty (like more than usual) I listen to lots of different kinds of music. On my ipod I have generes ranging from heavymetal/screamo UNDEROATH to classical Bach. My favorite music usually invloves piano. (Jack's Mannequin is amazing and my favorite band ever. anyone and everyone should check them out.) I don't know why I just like the clearness of a piano's sound. Anywho, as far as what I did over vacation: listened to music, read, played basketball, watched basketball, got have way through Pokemon:Blue(snaps for Helen the nerd), and my awesome highlight, doing absolutly nothing.
Da Cleava
I agree that music is important and that it can be very useful when trying to relax or just pass the time away. Over vacation I worked, babysat my cousins, watched a couple of basketball games, and did homework (unfortunately). Overall it was a pretty good week but I wish that it could have lasted a little bit longer.
-Amanda O.
I worked. A lot. My vacation consisted mostly of me handing out skis, boots, snowboards, and other assorted ski gear to those renting at our shop. It's hard watching so many people go skiing on an absolutely beautiful day while you're stuck inside giving them the equipment.
On my free days, I sat around and did nothing. Although, I did go sledding for the first time in a few years.
Mike D
Sorry I haven't written on the blogs for a while. Being sick makes it tough. But I can say listening to music relaxes me. I find that music when working out makes me run faster. So I downloaded this application of nature music, like running water lightning...all that jazz for my Ipod. It had different sound tracks for different situtuations. Like if you were studying, relaxing, have a head ache. I took that as an example. Found out that relaxing sounds that keep you awake and attentive are better for studying and applied that to the playlist I set up for studying. I also did that for working out, driving, working, cooking, and napping. Maybe I'll live to be 104. Also playing music, as a musician, playing also feels like my brain can just relax. Memmorizing songs throughout time I think helps my memory. I still the first songs I played, even though they weren't that good. I think that's how I improved as a musician, by remembering songs, new techniques, and applying them over time. Music deffinately applies to a healthy life style and brain function.
-Elsa C.
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