Figuratively speaking that is.
Just a few days ago, on August 19, the New York Times published an article previewing the work of the International Panel on Climate Change. This panel was made up of several hundred (!) scientists, working under the aegis of the United Nations, and includes some Nobel Prize winners. The upcoming report is the fifth time that the panel has published a report since 1988, and the news is not good. Basically, the panel rebukes those who doubt climate change, or speak of the process slowing down. The panel states that temperatures are continuing to rise in many areas. So are ocean levels. In fact, this huge committee reached consensus on stating that sea levels have the potential to rise more than three feet by the year 2100. This level of change would flood major cities across the globe, including Miami, New Orleans, New York, and Boston. Not to mention Shanghai, Venice, Sydney, and London.
What's striking about this report is that for the first time, the panel members laid the blame on us. The report states that human activities, particularly those resulting in increased emissions, are the principle cause of the climate changes being observed and recorded.
What are those changes? Well, carbon dioxide levels, up 41% since the end of the 19th century, have increased at a faster rate in the past 20 years than has ever been seen in human history (at least as far as we can tell using ice core samples retrieved in the arctic and antarctic - I'll talk a bit more about this in class). And if you were born after April 1985, as all of you were, you have never experienced a single month of "below average" temperature.
Think about that for a second. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (our country's main weather and sea conditions information source) reports that 2012 was the warmest year - ever. (I'm assuming that they are referring to "ever" in the sense of human history. My guess is that the earth was a lot warming when the dinosaurs were roaming around the planet chomping on 30 foot tall ferns).
The main concern is that every increase, every single degree of temperature, adds a tremendous amount of heat energy to the planet. This energy has an exponential effect on other systems. This means that a 1X increase will cause a 10X increase in say, ocean temperatures, that would then cause a 100X increase in something else. Looking at things exponentially, the possibility that human activities may lead to an increase in temperature of up to 5 degrees in the coming 200 years has the potential to be catastrophic. We may not be around to be effected by its full impact, but is that the type of environment we want to leave to our children's children?
Every major scientific academy in the world, or at least 99.8% of them, agree that climate change is real and that it is happening now. Some scientists however question the role of mankind and human activities in creating this situation (or at least, in making it worse). There seems to be consensus that the panel has tried to be conservative in their predictions. In fact, they have even laid out some scenarios in which the temperature and sea level increases might be bad, though not nearly as catastrophic as many think.
What to do, what to do.
Well - what should we do? How should we react to this news?
I invite you to watch the video clip that I have embedded below, titled "The Most Terrifying Video You Will Ever See". It's a 9 1/2 minute long lectur-ette (not counting whatever ad YouTube as in front of it which I encourage you to skip!) and well worth seeing. After you watch the video, I'd like you to reflect on what I wrote, and what was presented in the video. After thinking about for several minutes, I'd like you to post a comment on the blog that reflects your personal response to the question: "What should we do?". One paragraph to relate your response to the video, and another with your top 3 choices about changes that you, or all of us, can make in our lifestyles right now to help things out a bit.
Because, the thought of doing nothing at all is, frankly, terrifying.
Global issues are shadowing over us each and every day. A large effort needs to be made to limit the damage done to the environment. Changes are glooming over us that could affect us positively or negatively. As referenced in the video the different ways of approaches to changing the environment is a gamble. Making changes are costly and have a risk of health hazards in some ways, and some could end well.
The most important concept out of the video is to spread the word, as the more people that know about the issue. The more minds come together and brainstorm new beneficial ideas. So, spread, spread, spread the word.
1. Human activity can lead to a temperature increase of five degrees. To try and lower this increase ride bikes more often than cars.
2. A second change is to recycle, and compost everything that is biodegradable. This will lower the amount of trash being placed in land mills.
3. A third change is to spread the word and have people aware of what is happening
Global issues are shadowing over us each and every day. A large effort needs to be made to limit the damage done to the environment. Changes are glooming over us that could affect us positively or negatively. As referenced in the video the different ways of approaches to changing the environment is a gamble. Making changes are costly and have a risk of health hazards in some ways, and some could end well.
The most important concept out of the video is to spread the word, as the more people that know about the issue. The more minds come together and brainstorm new beneficial ideas. So, spread, spread, spread the word.
1. Human activity can lead to a temperature increase of five degrees. To try and lower this increase ride bikes more often than cars.
2. A second change is to recycle, and compost everything that is biodegradable. This will lower the amount of trash being placed in land mills.
3. A third change is to spread the word and have people aware of what is happening
Global issues are shadowing over us each and every day. A large effort needs to be made to limit the damage done to the environment. Changes are glooming over us that could affect us positively or negatively. As referenced in the video the different ways of approaches to changing the environment is a gamble. Making changes are costly and have a risk of health hazards in some ways, and some could end well.
The most important concept out of the video is to spread the word, as the more people that know about the issue. The more minds come together and brainstorm new beneficial ideas. So, spread, spread, spread the word.
1. Human activity can lead to a temperature increase of five degrees. To try and lower this increase ride bikes more often than cars.
2. A second change is to recycle, and compost everything that is biodegradable. This will lower the amount of trash being placed in land mills.
3. A third change is to spread the word and have people aware of what is happening
Global issues are shadowing over us each and every day. A large effort needs to be made to limit the damage done to the environment. Changes are glooming over us that could affect us positively or negatively. As referenced in the video the different ways of approaches to changing the environment is a gamble. Making changes are costly and have a risk of health hazards in some ways, and some could end well.
The most important concept out of the video is to spread the word, as the more people that know about the issue. The more minds come together and brainstorm new beneficial ideas. So, spread, spread, spread the word.
1. Human activity can lead to a temperature increase of five degrees. To try and lower this increase ride bikes more often than cars.
2. A second change is to recycle, and compost everything that is biodegradable. This will lower the amount of trash being placed in land mills.
3. A third change is to spread the word and have people aware of what is happening
I didn't know a lot about Global issues up until this point and the video helped me understand that Global issues are a gamble and what you choose to do about it could change the world. I noticed he talked a lot about which scenario would be worse in the video and obviously most of us would want to go with row A even though there is a downfall to it. There are some ways we can help this and most of it is just little things such as trying to clean up after ourselves and try to keep trash from floating around on the streets. Trying to save on gas and not use cars as much, recycling helps a lot, green up day is something many people should try to help.
Even though to some people global warming seems like an abstract idea, it really is not. Perhaps the 'end of the world as we know it' will not happen in our lifetime, but our actions that create global warming remain and that leaves today's people responsible for the possible collapse of the world. To me, that seems like global warming is already here. During the video, we were given four options of what could happen: do something and potentially face an economic collapse if global warming does not happen, and do something and be prepared if it does. OR ignore it and potentially face massive destruction of the world, and ignore it and be okay if it doesn't happen. But as referenced in the first few paragraphs of the blog post, you can see that changes are already beginning to happen (or have happened). At the end of the video it was also encouraged to spread the word about global warming. It's something that already is happening and we can't stop completely, but we can be prepared and possibly lessen the harmful effects.
1. Reuse and recycle! Putting plastic (or styrofoam) in a landfill is horrible, once it's there, it could outlive you (especially if it isn't biodegradable). Using reusable cups and water bottles is cheaper and saves the environment. Recycling helps preserve natural resources that may not be around forever if taken for granted too often. (Such as paper)
2. Walk, bike, carpool, use public transport. If every person uses their own car for every little trip then the emissions from the cars can get crazy- if groups of people ride together and consolidate that can cut down on deadly emissions. If you walk or ride your bike then you are emission free and that's the best.
3. Conserve electricity! Turn off lights and fans when you aren't using them. If possible change your appliances (air conditioners, dishwashers, microwaves) to energy efficient brands. (like the Energy Star)
This video contained a very logical and intelligent argument to combat climate change on a global level. However, I do not think that he fully expresses how much money and effort this would take. Almost every aspect of day is contributing to pollution and CO2 emissions. The second I wake up, I hit my alarm clock which manufactured in a factory by large machines that are powered by electricity produced by chemical reaction that pollutes the lakes, soil, and air nearby. Then I walk to my dresser and retrieve my clothes, which although purchased at a thrift store, were at one point produced in a similar factory as mentioned before. My shower uses both clean water, and electricity to heat and pump the water which amounts to a certain amount of pollution. That is the first 5 minutes. I try to live as simple a life as I can, enjoying the things I enjoy, but It's human nature to desire things, power and money. How can we alter the fundamental characteristics of our species--all 8 billion of them? That isn't just a lot of people, that is too many people. 8 billion seconds ago, it was 1581. I don't think this planet can sustain such a destructive and violent species. We will go extinct--whether it's within the next hundred years of the next million years. It's not that I don't care, because I definitely do care, it's that I feel we've had our chance, and just as we evolve to survive to our surroundings, the planet will evolve to eliminate the one thing that is destroying it: us.
This video contained a very logical and intelligent argument to combat climate change on a global level. However, I do not think that he fully expresses how much money and effort this would take. Almost every aspect of day is contributing to pollution and CO2 emissions. The second I wake up, I hit my alarm clock which manufactured in a factory by large machines that are powered by electricity produced by chemical reaction that pollutes the lakes, soil, and air nearby. Then I walk to my dresser and retrieve my clothes, which although purchased at a thrift store, were at one point produced in a similar factory as mentioned before. My shower uses both clean water, and electricity to heat and pump the water which amounts to a certain amount of pollution. That is the first 5 minutes. I try to live as simple a life as I can, enjoying the things I enjoy, but It's human nature to desire things, power and money. How can we alter the fundamental characteristics of our species--all 8 billion of them? That isn't just a lot of people, that is too many people. 8 billion seconds ago, it was 1581. I don't think this planet can sustain such a destructive and violent species. We will go extinct--whether it's within the next hundred years of the next million years. It's not that I don't care, because I definitely do care, it's that I feel we've had our chance, and just as we evolve to survive to our surroundings, the planet will evolve to eliminate the one thing that is destroying it: us.
There are many small things that people can do every day to make a difference. Many options include doing things that can reduce the amount of carbon dioxide in the air which is a big contributor to global warming. I don't think people should ignore this news because global warming is a serious matter that could leave our children's children in trouble.
The video was very interesting and it opened my eyes, but the only thing I got from it that could help the situation was to share his video and inform people. I almost wish he had given us examples of what actions we could take besides sitting at the computer sharing a video he made.
After trying to think of three things that could help prevent against global warming, I started to get curious. I did my own research and found some really interesting things I didn't know before that people could do to help things out. It's the small things that can make a huge difference.
1. Just by setting your thermostat two degrees lower can save about 2,000 pounds of carbon dioxide each year.
2. Every gallon of gas saved keeps 20 pounds of carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere. This means people should ride bikes more often when a car isn't necessary. For long distances, it's better to use a more fuel-efficient vehicle.
3. Plant a tree! One tree can absorb one ton of carbon dioxide during its lifetime. That's a lot of carbon dioxide that we don't need in our atmosphere!
I’m glad to see someone explain it in such a way that it does not go over my head. Just hearing numbers and rates of ice melting does nothing to show me what danger it actually is. A good point and a simple point of the video is just to spread the word, although that won’t fix many of the issues it could at least make people aware of the possible threat and the possible choices we can make as group.
Another thing that came out of the video/article, at least for me while I was reading is that instead of trying to convince everyone, everywhere that they should change all their habits. Why not start with the willing people. Have more recycle days, have more chances to recycle certain items in the community such as: tv’s, air conditioner, tires. If that works and communities keep record of all the recycling then start working on the people who believe its all hoax, give people rewards for recycling like they get when recycling soda bottles, just a small amount of money can spark people's interest.
Surprisingly enough, this is the first time I've heard anything about the Climate Change being caused by something other than humans. I've always been taught that people were responsible for corrupting Earth. After reading what you wrote and watching the video, I had a chat with my dad about it and now I understand the difference between Global Warming and Climate change. I still strongly believe that people play a huge role in the Climate Change and I think we can do a lot to help, and I think that he made a good point in the video that column A was a much smarter gamble.
The first thing that pops into my head when it comes to helping the Earth, is cars. Using more fuel efficient cars or not driving any at all if possible would help reduce the amount of Carbon dioxide released into the air. Another obvious one is to recycle. I'm not sure exactly how much this helps with the Climate Change but I know every step is a step towards success. Lastly, going along with the car issue, people need to stop letting their cars idle.
The thing about global warming is, everyone is effected by it but no one does anything about it. I agree with the video in saying that we should go with "column A." In the end we may have spent a fortune to save the world, but at least we know that it is safe for ourselves and for everyone that comes after us. I also think that is another problem; we are only thinking of ourselves instead of everyone that comes after us. We need to save this planet for the next generations of life. It is unfair to abuse the Earth and leave our problems to the people in line after us. I think the word about global warming needs to be spread and things need to be changed as soon as possible.
With our help, the world climate changes. Without us creating pollution that fills our air, we could switch to healthier options for our environment. We could carpool, walk, or ride bikes to places that we need to get to. We can reduce the amount waste we produce with all of our packaged foods. We can make this video, and this man's argument known to adults and kids all around the Upper Valley. Any spreading of the word will help.
The thing about global warming is, everyone is effected by it but no one does anything about it. I agree with the video in saying that we should go with "column A." In the end we may have spent a fortune to save the world, but at least we know that it is safe for ourselves and for everyone that comes after us. I also think that is another problem; we are only thinking of ourselves instead of everyone that comes after us. We need to save this planet for the next generations of life. It is unfair to abuse the Earth and leave our problems to the people in line after us. I think the word about global warming needs to be spread and things need to be changed as soon as possible.
With our help, the world climate changes. Without us creating pollution that fills our air, we could switch to healthier options for our environment. We could carpool, walk, or ride bikes to places that we need to get to. We can reduce the amount waste we produce with all of our packaged foods. We can make this video, and this man's argument known to adults and kids all around the Upper Valley. Any spreading of the word will help.
The thing about global warming is, everyone is effected by it but no one does anything about it. I agree with the video in saying that we should go with "column A." In the end we may have spent a fortune to save the world, but at least we know that it is safe for ourselves and for everyone that comes after us. I also think that is another problem; we are only thinking of ourselves instead of everyone that comes after us. We need to save this planet for the next generations of life. It is unfair to abuse the Earth and leave our problems to the people in line after us. I think the word about global warming needs to be spread and things need to be changed as soon as possible.
With our help, the world climate changes. Without us creating pollution that fills our air, we could switch to healthier options for our environment. We could carpool, walk, or ride bikes to places that we need to get to. We can reduce the amount waste we produce with all of our packaged foods. We can make this video, and this man's argument known to adults and kids all around the Upper Valley. Any spreading of the word will help.
Even though to some people global warming seems like an abstract idea, it really is not. Perhaps the 'end of the world as we know it' will not happen in our lifetime, but our actions that create global warming remain and that leaves today's people responsible for the possible collapse of the world. To me, that seems like global warming is already here. During the video, we were given four options of what could happen: do something and potentially face an economic collapse if global warming does not happen, and do something and be prepared if it does. OR ignore it and potentially face massive destruction of the world, and ignore it and be okay if it doesn't happen. But as referenced in the first few paragraphs of the blog post, you can see that changes are already beginning to happen (or have happened). At the end of the video it was also encouraged to spread the word about global warming. It's something that already is happening and we can't stop completely, but we can be prepared and possibly lessen the harmful effects.
1. Reuse and recycle! Putting plastic (or styrofoam) in a landfill is horrible, once it's there, it could outlive you (especially if it isn't biodegradable). Using reusable cups and water bottles is cheaper and saves the environment. Recycling helps preserve natural resources that may not be around forever if taken for granted too often. (Such as paper)
The global issues are increasing yearly, monthly, weekly even daily. I believe that an enormous effort needs to be made to stop the issues. Not just anybody can come up with a solution though, it has to be someone with expertise in the area. Without knowledge about what is being changed, the wrong thing could be altered causing a ripple affect of terrible changes. As the video said changing without thinking about the changes could cause hazards.
An expert needs to find the big change for the global issues, but everyone can do a small part. Such as recycling, composting and telling their friends and family facts about the global issues going on around us.
I find interesting that by 2100 major cities could start to flood from climate change. With temperature rising and glaciers melting water could rise up to three feet. Already there is more water than land but with climate change is possible that water could rise so much that it could cover all the land? That Earth could become a planet of just water And with the proof of water rising and temperature going up especially in Summer of 2012, why wouldn’t people want to take action? For I believe that climate change is real, and it’s happening.
In the video it shows that if we did take action, and that climate change wasn’t real it would lead to a loss of lot money. But I feel that we need to take action and protect this planet. Despite the money risk, we only have one planet, we can’t go anywhere else, so I don’t think we should take the risk of destroying our only plant. Also if we didn’t take action and climate change was true it could be consider the end of the world. It may be a big risk but I believe we all need to take action before it’s too late.
I find interesting that by 2100 major cities could start to flood from climate change. With temperature rising and glaciers melting water could rise up to three feet. Already there is more water than land but with climate change is possible that water could rise so much that it could cover all the land? That Earth could become a planet of just water And with the proof of water rising and temperature going up especially in Summer of 2012, why wouldn’t people want to take action? For I believe that climate change is real, and it’s happening.
In the video it shows that if we did take action, and that climate change wasn’t real it would lead to a loss of lot money. But I feel that we need to take action and protect this planet. Despite the money risk, we only have one planet, we can’t go anywhere else, so I don’t think we should take the risk of destroying our only plant. Also if we didn’t take action and climate change was true it could be consider the end of the world. It may be a big risk but I believe we all need to take action before it’s too late.
I find interesting that by 2100 major cities could start to flood from climate change. With temperature rising and glaciers melting water could rise up to three feet. Already there is more water than land but with climate change is possible that water could rise so much that it could cover all the land? That Earth could become a planet of just water And with the proof of water rising and temperature going up especially in Summer of 2012, why wouldn’t people want to take action? For I believe that climate change is real, and it’s happening.
In the video it shows that if we did take action, and that climate change wasn’t real it would lead to a loss of lot money. But I feel that we need to take action and protect this planet. Despite the money risk, we only have one planet, we can’t go anywhere else, so I don’t think we should take the risk of destroying our only plant. Also if we didn’t take action and climate change was true it could be consider the end of the world. It may be a big risk but I believe we all need to take action before it’s too late.
I find interesting that by 2100 major cities could start to flood from climate change. With temperature rising and glaciers melting water could rise up to three feet. Already there is more water than land but with climate change is possible that water could rise so much that it could cover all the land? That Earth could become a planet of just water And with the proof of water rising and temperature going up especially in Summer of 2012, why wouldn’t people want to take action? For I believe that climate change is real, and it’s happening.
In the video it shows that if we did take action, and that climate change wasn’t real it would lead to a loss of lot money. But I feel that we need to take action and protect this planet. Despite the money risk, we only have one planet, we can’t go anywhere else, so I don’t think we should take the risk of destroying our only plant. Also if we didn’t take action and climate change was true it could be consider the end of the world. It may be a big risk but I believe we all need to take action before it’s too late.
I find interesting that by 2100 major cities could start to flood from climate change. With temperature rising and glaciers melting water could rise up to three feet. Already there is more water than land but with climate change is possible that water could rise so much that it could cover all the land? That Earth could become a planet of just water And with the proof of water rising and temperature going up especially in Summer of 2012, why wouldn’t people want to take action? For I believe that climate change is real, and it’s happening.
In the video it shows that if we did take action, and that climate change wasn’t real it would lead to a loss of lot money. But I feel that we need to take action and protect this planet. Despite the money risk, we only have one planet, we can’t go anywhere else, so I don’t think we should take the risk of destroying our only plant. Also if we didn’t take action and climate change was true it could be consider the end of the world. It may be a big risk but I believe we all need to take action before it’s too late.
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