Big news this week from Santa Monica California.
One of their star octopus (octopuses? octopi?) Tried to make a get-away by swimming to the top of her tank, disassembling the valve that lets water into her tank, and making an attempt to get out. (She wound up releasing about 200 gallons of water all over the aquarium's floor). A planned escape sounds a little far-fetched, perhaps? Well, think back to the DVD we watched about Orangutang behavior. Octopus (octopuses? octopi?) are also pretty darn smart.But are they intelligent?
"Octopuses have a wonderful combination of intelligence, tremendous manipulative ability, curiosity, and strength," says Jennifer Mather, a psychology professor at Canada's University of Lethbridge who has studied cognition in octopuses. Indeed they do - at least so far as curiousity and strength go. Yet they can also be extraordinarily gentle and delicate. Octopuses (octopi?) actually appear to caress each other during mating. And they are gentle, caring parents.
They can also be devious. A few years ago an octopus in the New England aquarium made nightly raids on another tank, attacking and eating fish in the central tank, and then slithering back to its own tank after finishing its meal. Aquarium workers were perplexed, not knowing why fish seem to be disappearing from the central tank on a regular basis. It was only when they set up night-time cameras that they witnessed the gelatinous blob slithering from one tank to another, and then returning to its lair.
As members of the phylum cephalopod, literally "head-foot" they do not have the conventional body plan seen throughout the animal kingdom. Basically, there is no central body section, or thorax. What we refer to as arms, are actually the equivalent to legs/feet - hence their name.
Cephalopods, which also include squid, have highly evolved brains. Biologists hypothesize that these complex brains are put to good use in managing a multitude of chamoflage colors and patterns, that may also allow cephalopods to communicate. This seems to be particularly true in squid. Celphalopod communication through color pattern helped influence the final climactic scene in Close Encounters Of The Third Kind, where Steven Spielberg hypothesized are initial communication with aliens would be through sound and light.
What evidence do we have of cephalopod intelligence? Why do we suspect that this octopus was trying to make a run for it?
Check out this video:
And she is not a "gifted octopus". This type of problem solving behavior has been seen in many individuals.
Still, some people continue to question whether this is evidence of "intelligence". What to you think? Provide a comment that demonstrates YOUR intelligence (sorry - couldn't resist.)
PS - The title of this entry brought to mind a Beatles trivia question - first person who posts the correct answer gets, um, something. Here it is: What was the original working title of The Beatles movie, "Help!"?
I think it's exteremly interesting that an octopus was able to dissassemble a part of its tank in order to escape! I always knew that they were creatures capable of problem solving (ex. opening a jar to get at food), but to take apart a valve? That's something!
As for what defines intelligence--I don't know. A quick google search left me with the definition that follows:
"Intelligence is an umbrella term used to describe a property of the mind that encompasses many related abilities, such as the capacities to reason, to plan, to solve problems, to think abstractly, to comprehend ideas, to use language, and to learn."
Has the octopus learned how to disassemble the vent? Could it do it again if it felt like it? I believe it could. If the octopus was indeed attempting to escape, does that mean it's capable of abstract thought? It might not have planning skills, (what would happen to it after making it past the vent?) but had it been wondering what was behind the vent this entire time? Was it just curious? Is curiosity a sign of intelligence?
Anyway, I believe that the octopus shows intelligence and is all in all a very awesome creature that should be respected and given its very own reality TV show starring several aquarium octopi who compete in various challenges to see who gets to go free (or their choice of living in a delux tank with all the food they could ever dream of). The rest are sent off to sushi shops.
Obviously I'm tired and I'm going to end this now before it gets out of hand.
-Mike Diamond
I was very surprised to read about an octopus trying to escape its tank. Having the ability to disassemble its tank sure shows some type of intelligence. I think the video about being able to unscrew the bottle cap helps support this.
I must admit though, at first I wasn't thinking this resembled intelligence. I'd never before heard that octopi were a "smart" animal. However, after reading the definition from Mikes post and thinking it over, it definitely seems to represent problem solving and the ability to learn.
P.S. I believe the movies original name was: "Eight Arms to Hold You"
Caitlin R.
Thanks for these thoughtful comments - and Caitlin got The Beatles question correct!
First, I'd like to say that this blog post made me a little happier, even though I'm sick. If I remember correctly, Mr. Engler, we learned about octopus intelligence during Marine Bio. I can't say that I was surprised that an octopus tried to escape from its tank - wouldn't you get bored if you were trapped in a glass box all the time? It may be odd to compare an octopus' desires to those of a human, but why shouldn't we? Humans wrote the definition of intelligence, so it makes sense that we defined it in a way that would make us the most intelligent species. Who are we to say what other animals do or do not think? We can't even figure out what some members of our own species are thinking. If we understood every corner of the human mind, we would be able to prevent crime in almost all of its forms. How would we know if some species out there were smarter than us? Maybe they just got stuck because they don't have opposable thumbs, or 'cause they're stuck in the ocean. I realize that I'm basically rambling. . .I'm a little tired. Hope to see you all tomorrow!
Jennie M.
My initial reaction to this post was to laugh and think, “how cute”. I know not very scientific but these are the thoughts that came into my mind. These creatures do strike me as intelligent and for me this labeling of intelligence comes when creatures are able to perform human-like tasks like being able to open a jar or disassemble a valve in the tank. This problem solving ability indicates a deeper level of thinking or understanding of the world. I think of rats learning in response to stimuli, this ability to learn also plays into my personal definition of intelligence. Learning through trial and error experimentation, observation, or direct instruction is seen throughout the animal world.
We hear bonobos are intelligent as we saw in the video how they solved puzzles by watching each other as well as through direct instruction by humans, their own innate abilities, etc. Another creature I often hear referred to as intelligent are dolphins, which is interesting because, of the creatures listed thus far, these seem to be least similar to humans due to their water dwelling status and lack of individual digits. Now by adding octopi to the list of problem solving creatures we see a great variety of smarts which doesn’t seem to depend much on opposable thumbs or body type.
The question of different types of intelligences is also of interest. Theorists such as Howard Gardner have categorized different types of intelligences within humans. Considering we think humans represent different types of intelligences it would seem to follow that once other animals are included the types of intelligences we consider should expand even further.
On another front, a story about an escaping octopus instantly made me think of Finding Nemo where Nemo plots and makes a great escape… Disney certainly believes in animals with multiple levels of intelligence, perhaps we were smarter when we were more gullible and followed Disney’s lead. If creatures are considered more intelligent it becomes increasingly more difficult to destroy their habitats for our own gains.
Also, I couldn’t help but think of many villainous characters we’ve been introduced to over the years who have taken a squid form. I suppose this makes more sense that squids are the villains if they tend to be less gentle than octopi. Evil squid characters that have come to mind so far include: the giant squid at the bottom of the ocean in the book/ movie Sphere, ditto for 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea, Squidward from Sponge Bob Square Pants (some could argue he isn’t evil just misunderstood), Ursula from The Little Mermaid although she apparently has 6 legs most of the time so I guess she is closer to an evil octopus, hmmm maybe my theory of evil squids doesn’t hold…
I think it is really funny that an octopus was going from its tank to another one tank and eating random fish. If I was working at the aquarium I would have never guessed that it was an octopus doing that.
This reminds me of the time in marine bio when we watched the movie about the cuttle fish-that was a great movie-we learned that they can copy our hand movements and they change color with their surroundings. There has to be intelligence in creatures such as cuttle fish and octopi for them to be able to mimic the things we do, and for them to problem solve.
Nice trivia question by the way, I would have never been able to get it, but I do like the Beatles, and just watched "Across the Universe" for the hundredth time the other night.
As I was think about what to write for this blog, it suddenly hit me. Write about other intelligent marine animals; so, I started looking around the internet to find some more intelligent marine animals. Then I found this website, where someone asks “Are octopus the most intelligent marine animals?”.
http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20081009225316AAYyO7l .
What an interest question, because we know that dolphins are pretty intelligent and sharks are also intelligent. However, are they smarter or less intelligent than an octopus? In the website, most people seem to think that they’re not as intelligent, but I think that they could be. I mean look at all the amazing things they have been able to learn. Not, just from people but on their own as well. So, what’s your opinion?
What a GREAT idea for a new TV show - "
"Are You Smarter Than An Octopus?"!
My opinion is that the dolphin would win - hands down. Not only because of the sheer size of their brains, and their proven communication abilities, but also because us mammals have to stick together!
The idea of an octopus concocting a plan of escape is worth believing purely for it's movie making abilities, but truly I think the octopus was aware of it's actions, to some extent. It also, possibly acknowledged the idea that it's actions would affect itself or it's surroundings. I believe all animals have some way of thinking about their actions and the outcomes of those action because if not, birds wouldn't fly south, animals wouldn't hunt at certain times of day, they wouldn't mate and the list goes on. Animals are, like humans, deliberate in their actions and therefore I do believe the octopus had some understanding of what it was doing and is hence, quite intelligent.
A few weeks ago I was watching a show on television on the Humbolt squid. I found it quite remarkable and fascinating. First I was amazed that cephalopods have beak hidden inside their mouths, and then later I was astonished to find out that they glow different colors to communicate. Seeing them flashing red and white and sometimes both proved to me that they have a high level of intelligence.
These squid were known as red devil's to the local fishermen because of their feisty attitude. There is one man who would always swim with these squid. He is military and even though he is used t swimming with them he still wears metal plating as protection just in case.
At first the squid hunting team wanted footage and they tried getting underwater footage. They then attached lure to the camera. The squid reacted by eating the lure and damaging the camera.
In class you said that the squid eat their foe by unleashable hooks. In the show the local caught the squid in the same way, with a huge metal hook that latches and doesn't let go. What a Kwinky-dink.
Andy H
A few weeks ago I was watching a show on television on the Humbolt squid. I found it quite remarkable and fascinating. First I was amazed that cephalopods have beak hidden inside their mouths, and then later I was astonished to find out that they glow different colors to communicate. Seeing them flashing red and white and sometimes both proved to me that they have a high level of intelligence.
These squid were known as red devil's to the local fishermen because of their feisty attitude. There is one man who would always swim with these squid. He is military and even though he is used t swimming with them he still wears metal plating as protection just in case.
At first the squid hunting team wanted footage and they tried getting underwater footage. They then attached lure to the camera. The squid reacted by eating the lure and damaging the camera.
In class you said that the squid eat their foe by unleashable hooks. In the show the local caught the squid in the same way, with a huge metal hook that latches and doesn't let go. What a Kwinky-dink.
Andy H
I have never before heard of Octopuses being intelligent creatures. I think it is very very interesting to hear about an octopus trying to escape from its tank. A creature having the capabilities to do something as "clever" as disassembly a part of its tank is pretty cool!
This makes me think that maybe all animals have some type of intelligence that allows them to "think outside the box" and do things that have large effects on them as living animals. Who knows, maybe gold fish are secretly very intelligent creatures and we just don't know it yet.
I think that it is really interesting, and funny, that the octopus was able to get out of its tank and then back into it. After thinking about the definition that Mike found I believe that octopuses are very smart creatures. Even if the first time it tried to get out of its tank was out of curiousity, it continued to do it many more times. It realized that by getting out of its tank it could find more food. Maybe it also thought through what time of day he did this. It's possible that he realized that the best time to do it was at night when no one was around to catch him in the act.
We are continuing to find greater intelligence in other animals all the time. This leads me to believe that there are many other animals that are much more intelligent than we think, we're just not smart enough to realize it or see it.
-Amanda O.
Octopi (I'm using it as opposed to octopuses)are very smart. I think they are probably smarter than dogs. If they had longer lifespans I'm pretty sure they would have eventually formed primitive civilizations by now. Since they can communicate, use their tentacles to manipulate objects, and think creatively, the length of their life is the only thing holding them back (I believe its around 3 years, but I could be wrong). on a side note, their is a James Bond movie with a title related to them, but I don't think that it's really appropriate for a blog post.
I haven't looked at the other answers to the trivia and its too late for the prize, but I'm going to say it would be Ringo Starr is a Hollywood... Star.
-Daniel G.
Wow. Octopi or pretty cool. I wish I had eight arms.And how cool would it be to be able to squish through tiny spaces? Do octopi use all of there brain? I ask because humans only use 10 or so percent. How much do octopi use? do octopi change color? are there ORANGE octopi?! How do their inner organs function/stay in place when they slip through really really tiny spaces? do they have problems with keeping there organs in the right places? Can it hurt them to be squished? if they can be squished, can they be stretched? if so to the same extent as the squishidge? How do their suckers work? is it suction? or somthing sticky? do they ever get stuck to things? why/why not?
Does steven speilburg really think aliens are like octopi? I always figured they'd look almost exactly like us. You know, so they "blend in" either that or they are completly different,ex: skinny like a stick, over 12 feet tall, have a structure made of elements not know to the human race and are completely bent on our destrcution. yeah now that sounds like an alien.
Da Cleava
I think that it's similar to a child who learns how to open the fridge, or develope. With octipus I think it's because in the ocean they were so used to manipulating themselves around, that it became in instinct to use thier body parts in order to get in and out of certain places. But yes the fact that they can try to open tanks, jump out of them and eat fish, and unscrew bottles, shows that they are highly developed mechanically, which can lead to a level of intelligence. Intelligence, not as A B Cs, but more like an athlete.
Intelligence to me is, not only in one topic, and how much you know in one topic or various topics. Like you maybe intelligent in math, but not in english.
-Elsa C
My favorite part of this post was the octopus who raided the fish tank at night. If the humans in charge couldn't figure out what was going on, and the octopus kept getting its food at night when they weren't watching, who was smarter there?
Wikipedia cites 52 intelligence researchers as saying that the term "intelligence", rather than just talking about academic learning, "reflects a broader and deeper capability for comprehending our surroundings—'catching on', 'making sense' of things, or 'figuring out' what to do." If we use this definition, the octopus who managed to get its tank open in an attempt to escape is definitely intelligent! And the one who was stealing fish seems to have figured out how to do it without getting caught.
It's a little scary to think that we humans are not the only ones who can get themselves out of cages.
And I would like to think that this post proves "my intelligence", as Mr. E said, because humans are the only creatures with the ability to use Wikipedia. So far.
I was pretty amazed by the octopi (that sounds the best to me). In my opinion, the octopus’s actions prove a form of intelligence. It seems, he studied his environment and then he decided how he could escape. It is definitely aware of his actions. Also, that it was able to open the jar shows that he knows what he is doing. I would never have guessed that an octopus or a squid could be as smart as that. I thought, only mammals were anywhere near that state of intelligence.
The feeling that the divers who swam with the octopi had shouldn't be disregarded either. They thought, the octopi were studying them. This curiosity might be a sign of intelligence.
I hope, they don't take over the world one day....
Even if you don't belive that octopi are intelligent, it's hard to say that watching an octopus open a bottle isn't amazing. It is commonly thought that a task such as this would only be accomplished by humans. Some people would argue that this is something that could be taught, similar to teaching a dog how to do common tasks. But there's a clear difference between the abilities of octopi and dogs.
One prime example of this is the story of the octopus traveling from it's tank to the one containing fish every night to hunt. It's easy to see that the octopus was showing signs of intelligence. Also, in the movie "Incredible Suckers" it showed that cuddlefish dispaly affection towards mates during the process of reproduction. Any one of these tasks alone could be passed off as common "animal behavior," but together they paint a clear picture of how advanced octopi really are. I believe that octopi are truly intelligent creatures although I'm not sure to what extent.
p.s. Sorry this post is so late. I've tried posting it twice and both times it hasn't worked. I'm keeping my fingers crossed this time.
I think the story of the octopus escaping from the tank and eating fish in the middle of the night then going back to its own tank was quite funny. It reminds me of a pony that I had when I was little,who would let himself out at night, let all of the other horses out, eat some food, and lock himself back in his stall. We could never figure out how all the horses kept on getting out, until we stayed in the barn all night and caught the pony red handed.
Back on topic though, I had never really herd anything about octopuses being intelligent creatures. Though honestly I know very little about them. It's very interesting that the octopus disassembled part of the tank to escape. I think octopuses must be intelligent if they are able to solve problems.
Katie B
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